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[Solved] Strange title in Grub2 - Printable Version

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[Solved] Strange title in Grub2 - gayle - 09-13-2014

I just did a clean install and I noticed something strange in Grub2. It says "Description:      Linux Lite 2.0" instead of just plain "Linux Lite 2.0". This is generated by the lsb_release -d command in /etc/default/grub:

gayle@lite:~$ lsb_release -d
Description:    Linux Lite 2.0

Is there any way to change this?

Re: Strange title in Grub2 - anon222 - 09-13-2014

I guess you can pipe the output to cut.
lsb_release -d | cut --output-delimiter=Description: -f 2
In the /etc/default/grub file it will look like this:
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="`lsb_release -d | cut --output-delimiter=Description: -f 2`"
Remember to run 'update-grub' after you make the changes!
sudo update-grub
Cheers Smile

Re: Strange title in Grub2 - sonic - 09-13-2014

I got the same output.

[Image: p6y0N2E.png]

Maybe that's the correct way to display it I think.

Re: Strange title in Grub2 - gayle - 09-13-2014

It could be the default way, but I think it's nicer to just say "Linux Lite 2.0" Smile

@misko_2083: that actually worked, thanks Smile

Re: [Solved] Strange title in Grub2 - N4RPS - 09-26-2014


You could install grub-customizer (plus its PPA) and grub2-splashimages to 'pimp' out your GRUB screen and make it say anything you want it to...
