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Rules - Drugs - Printable Version

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Rules - Drugs - Valtam - 07-06-2019

We now have a Rule on drug talk and would like to hear your feedback on it. Due to the complexity of the subject, we can adjust/add to the wording over time. In the meantime, please see Rule #15 here -

Re: Rules - Drugs - bitsnpcs - 07-06-2019

feedback removed -
it is not wanted and it is giving a reason for further wasting of mine , Jerry's or anyones else time.

Re: Rules - Drugs - Valtam - 07-07-2019

Do not remove anything anywhere yet bits. I will write to you here again later. This rule is not retroactive.

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Re: Rules - Drugs - bitsnpcs - 07-07-2019

I will leave the other sports ones, and one in jokes thread as I now know it is not retroactive.

Re: Rules - Drugs - Valtam - 07-07-2019

I'm assuming from your reaction that you're in a country with tough recreational drug laws, and hence you feel censored, excluded. Don't blame Linux Lite sister, blame your government for out dated laws.

I'll address you directly in regards to this.

1. Not all reggae etc contains references to pot. There are still plenty of videos to choose from.
2. trolls? I don't understand. How will they succeed? This is designed so that we don't get in trouble with the law.
3. Are you saying you're not going to participate in the music thread because we are trying to stay lawful?

You can put your signature back in bits because it's not a blog dedicated 100% to pot smoking. There are useful articles there that I have even taken the time to read.

I repeat, this rule is NOT retroactive, please leave all existing content. I know you probably won't listen, but at least for the record now I have twice said this.

You can't please one side completely. Try running a forum where you have to abide by international laws, cater to 2000+ different personalities and see how much fun it is.

I value your input here as I am sure do others, and hope that you don't reduce the time you spend here due to this Smile

Rules - Drugs - Mart - 07-07-2019

Here's my five cents, for what it's worth.

Whatever your view of drugs, either for or against, we have to realize that the so-called 'progressive view' on this subject is not shared by all individuals or countries throughout the world. That's just reality.

Therefore, given that the laws around drugs in some countries may be harsher around this topic than in other countries, it's only reasonable that Jerry protects himself and his creation (LL) from any legal mis-steps in those countries.

After all, we can't guarantee that in these so-called 'less progressive' countries that the forum won’t end up being blocked if it's perceived that the forum was in some way promoting a certain type of life-style outlawed in those countries.

The consequences of this would be to deprive forum members in those countries from getting help, and it would also prevent LL itself from being promoted and used by any new members in those countries.

I'm sure there are other forums and blogs that existing forum members can explore to promote their world views and life-styles,  but perhaps the LL forum isn't necessarily one of them for the reasons I've just expressed.

Finally, as we saw with the Jocklad issue, members who make donations to LL should not expect any misconceived favoritism, conscious or otherwise, beyond the grateful thanks from Jerry and his team for any donation(s) made.

Re: Rules - Drugs - bitsnpcs - 07-07-2019

removed no point.

Re: Rules - Drugs - bitsnpcs - 07-07-2019

Just for the record, prior to this post I/we have not mentioned EVER the past donations we have made to Linux Lite or the many other open source projects, and we would not be happy to disclose our structures of donations.
I/we would never, and have never, asked for a donation back, and never would, that is just wrong IMO, our meeting I called today over this produced the same results from the rest present.

I have never asked for any favouritism here, and have never received any favouritism, or been offered any favouritism.

Yes indeed you are correct there are other places to discuss every off topic subject that is not Linux Lite, and it is what I will be doing in future.

Re: Rules - Drugs - Valtam - 07-07-2019

Thanks for the explanation bitsnpcs. Much appreciated. Now let's all return to the business of Linux, our common interest.

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Re: Rules - Drugs - bitsnpcs - 07-07-2019

Yes of course.