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Why 32 bit version was discontinued? - Printable Version

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Why 32 bit version was discontinued? - fvroig - 04-21-2019

I assumed that one of the advanteges of Linux Lite was precisely the fact that it is well suited to run on old hardware. Then why the developers decided to discontinue the 32 bit version. Isn't it a countersense?

Re: Why 32 bit version was discontinued? - torreydale - 04-21-2019

[member=9257]fvroig[/member] ,

Linux Lite is dropping 32-bit versions because Ubuntu is dropping 32-bit versions.  And for the record, though Linux Lite is well suited to run on old hardware, that has never been its stated focus.  Lightweight?  Yes.  But Linux Lite is not catering to hardware relics.  Linux Lite is catering to the new Linux convert from Windows or Mac. 

I have relatively recent hardware, and I prefer to not have my computing experience bogged down with unnecessary slowness.  Underneath the desktop environment, it's the same Linux anyway.  With Linux Lite, you get a faster Linux than you would with a KDE or Gnome desktop environment.

The 3.x series of Linux Lite will still get security updates until April 2021.  That's 2 more years for those who must have a 32-bit version of Linux Lite.  It has been a while since chip manufacturers made 32-bit only processors for PCs.  They've had a good run.  Better than video cassette recorders, but you wouldn't insist that the next Iron Man movie be released on a VHS VCR tape, would you?  It is time to move on.  It is time that the developers get to focus their energy on producing one strong release instead of dividing their time into two releases.

Re: Why 32 bit version was discontinued? - Valtam - 04-21-2019

Bullseye! Perfectly stated.

Sent from my Mobile phone using Tapatalk

Re: Why 32 bit version was discontinued? - minesheep - 04-21-2019

If you really want unusable laggy experience use qemu on 32bit machine and try to emulate 64bit OS on 32bit hardware. I can boot linux lite 3.2 64bit on my 32bit machine in about 10 hours, but if you want usable experience use linux lite 3.8 until April 2021 and then get new pc

I have many computers and the old ones still have only 32bit support.

Re: Why 32 bit version was discontinued? - Brunogambert - 06-14-2019

Hi everyone,
The comparison can be with other things like A historic city, why it must be preserved if there are modern cities?
32bit computers are the historical heritage of information technology. They should be preserved and updated and connected with others. It's just my opinion.


Re: Why 32 bit version was discontinued? - trinidad - 06-14-2019

"32bit computers are the historical heritage of information technology"

Yep and so are runes and an abacus and 8bit IBM mainframes. You cannot escape mathematical mechanical limitations. One of these epochs human beings will become obsolete too, probably right after MS Windows build 110,001.2. (which will still have 32bit apps includued) The future is scary. I miss pay phones.


Re: Why 32 bit version was discontinued? - TheDead - 06-14-2019

For myself, I speak mainly for games but when I miss 8-bits/16-bits. I use emulators. Guess 32 bits will come soon.
I found it really cool that you can run still run almost anything on new computers.
On the subject,  I also find it appaling that they try (and succeed) in selling you the SAME or "remastered' old games in "Classic Collections" for new devices.
I still have my Playstation 1 games, I won't buy it a second/third/etc. time. Guess I don't help "the economy" though, LoL!

Original Retro FTW!

Re: Why 32 bit version was discontinued? - Brunogambert - 06-16-2019

I believe, If there are a significant number of people wanting to keep 32-bit computers active, they can be included. The individual decisions when added form a collective.
I think it's interesting to keep old computers running, even if new ones are released. People can have both.


Re: Why 32 bit version was discontinued? - newtusmaximus - 06-16-2019

I have changed my 32 bit Fujitsu over to Debian 9.  Once you have managed to get used to Linux on LL, the changeover to Debian 32 bit is not so difficult IMHO.

Re: Why 32 bit version was discontinued? - torreydale - 06-16-2019

I gave a definitive answer in the first reply of this thread.  Now this conversation needs to go away like 32-bit versions of Ubuntu.  ?