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Virtual Machines: query relating to 'runtimes' for WindowsOS guest in LL3.2 host - Printable Version

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Virtual Machines: query relating to 'runtimes' for WindowsOS guest in LL3.2 host - m654321 - 11-27-2016

I've been running a Windows OS virtual machine for a while on an LL host.

When I set up the VM, the only runtimes that seems to have installed appears to be 'Silverlight' and ~net 4.6.1 (or an earlier version). 

Therefore, do I need to download & install other 'runtimes' for the VM (e.g.  Java 8, 4.6.2, Air & Shockwave) or does the VM's software take over and replace these?

I have searched the internet but haven't found an answer to this - does anyone know?

Many thanks for any help...