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Systemback: Unable To Create Live System, "Create New" Button "Greyed" Out - Printable Version

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Systemback: Unable To Create Live System, "Create New" Button "Greyed" Out - Wirezfree - 12-14-2015

For information:

I installed Systemback on a new LL2.8 build.
I needed kernel 4.2.0 kernel to fix CPU errors.
Part of the build was to add Systemback.

The "Restore Point" works fine, but "Create Live" is not available.
I found this post on Systemback Launchpad

So I have a post active now for similar issue
I do not see in the repository straight packages for "unionfs" or "aufs"
only some similar named packages.

[CLOSED]Systemback: Unable To Create Live System,"Create New" Button Greyed Out - Wirezfree - 12-15-2015

Yes, it is a kernel related.
You can see my exchange with the Dev
I would need to learn how compile a kernel to fix it. :o :o