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installing GoogleEarth issues - Printable Version

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installing GoogleEarth issues - BarryVG - 10-27-2015

Have LLV2.6 running on a Dell notebook, did this for Google Earth install
opened Terminal, entered:
wget && chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin && ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin
System went out and did the install, all worked fine.

Tried on another system, same steps, now system says it can't create folders and the /etc/gnome/ permission denied.

what am I missing?

Re: installing GoogleEarth issues - avj - 10-27-2015

It would probably be easier to install from the .deb file.  It can be found here:

Re: installing GoogleEarth issues - BarryVG - 10-28-2015

Yes, that worked well.  Only issue is the graphics card in the system I'm currently on, has an unsupported graphic card.  Not a problem for this particular unit, it's only a test system anyway.
Thanks so very much.