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Mega Mech - Printable Version

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Mega Mech - austin.payne - 08-07-2015

Here is a little game I made in Python. It is quite glitchy, and it is entirely text based, but it is still a little fun. It should also be really easy to mod.

import math
import random
board = []
class Weapon(object):
    def __init__(self, Range, Damage, Ammo, Name):
        self.Range = Range
        self.Damage = Damage
        self.Ammo = Ammo
        self.Name = Name
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.Range) + " " + str(self.Damage) + " " + str(self.Ammo)
class Armor(object):
    def __init__(self, HP, Name):
        self.Name = Name
        self.HP = HP
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.HP)
class Enemy(object):
    def __init__(self, Weapons, Armor, Movement, x, y, Number):
        self.Weapons = Weapons
        self.Armor = Armor
        self.Movement = Movement
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.Number = Number
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.Weapons) + " " + str(self.Armor) + " " + str(self.Movement)
class Character(object):
    def __init__(self, Weapons, Armor, Movement, x, y, Money, CampaignLevel, Level, XP):
        self.Weapons = Weapons
        self.Armor = Armor
        self.Movement = Movement
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.Money = Money
        self.CampaignLevel = CampaignLevel
        self.XP = XP
        self.Level = Level
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.Weapons) + " " + str(self.Armor) + " " + str(self.Movement)
MyCharacter = Character([], [], 0, 0, 0, 1000, 1, 0, 0)
def Shop():
    print("You have $" + str(MyCharacter.Money))
    print("Your Level is " + str(MyCharacter.Level))
    print("Tin          50            200")
    print("Bronze          100            500")
    print("Sword   5         inf     0        200")
    print("Gun     5         10      3        500")
    print("Walk speed               +1")
    choice = raw_input("Which one do you want?(Type the name, or say 'Cancel'.) ")
    if choice == "Tin" and MyCharacter.Money >= 200 and len(MyCharacter.Armor) + 1 <= float(MyCharacter.Level+1)/3 + 1:
        MyCharacter.Money -= 200
        MyCharacter.Armor.append(Armor(50, "Tin"))
    elif choice == "Bronze" and MyCharacter.Money >= 500 and len(MyCharacter.Armor) + 1 <= float(MyCharacter.Level+1)/3 + 1:
        MyCharacter.Money -= 500
        MyCharacter.Armor.append(Armor(100, "Bronze"))
    elif choice == "Sword" and MyCharacter.Money >= 200 and len(MyCharacter.Weapons) + 1 <= float(MyCharacter.Level+1)/3 + 1:
        MyCharacter.Money -= 200
        MyCharacter.Weapons.append(Weapon(0, 5, float('inf'), "Sword"))
    elif choice == "Gun" and MyCharacter.Money >= 500 and len(MyCharacter.Weapons) + 1 <= float(MyCharacter.Level+1)/3 + 1:
        MyCharacter.Money -= 500
        MyCharacter.Weapons.append(Weapon(3, 5, 10, "Gun"))
    elif choice == "Walk speed" and MyCharacter.Money >= 200:
        MyCharacter.Money -= 200
        MyCharacter.Movement = MyCharacter.Movement + 1
    elif choice == "Cancel":
        Selling = raw_input("Sell or next level? ")
        if Selling == "Sell":
    elif choice != "Cancel":
        print("Sorry I didn't catch that.")
    def Mores():
        More = raw_input("Would you like to buy more?(Yes/No) ")
        if More == "Yes":
        elif More == "No":
            Selling = raw_input("Sell or next level? ")
            if Selling == "Sell":
            elif Selling != "next level":
                print("Sorry I dodn't catch that.")
            print("Sorry I didn't catch that. ")
def sell():
    for Armor in MyCharacter.Armor:
    for Weapon in MyCharacter.Weapons:
    print("Walk speed (" + str(MyCharacter.Movement) + ")")
    Choice = raw_input("Which one do you want to sell?(Name of item) ")
    NewList = []
    AOW = len(MyCharacter.Weapons)
    AOA = len(MyCharacter.Armor)
    WS = MyCharacter.Movement
    Number = 1
    for Armor in range(len(MyCharacter.Armor)):
        if Choice == MyCharacter.Armor[Armor].Name and Number == 1:
            Number = 2
            if Choice == "Tin":
                MyCharacter.Money += 200
            elif MyCharacter.Armor[Armor].Name == "Bronze":
                MyCharacter.Money += 500
    MyCharacter.Armor = NewList
    NewList = []
    for Weapon in range(len(MyCharacter.Weapons)):
        if Choice == MyCharacter.Weapons[Weapon].Name and Number == 1:
            Number = 2
            if Choice == "Sword":
                MyCharacter.Money += 200
            elif Choice == "Gun":
                MyCharacter.Money += 500
    MyCharacter.Weapons = NewList
    if Choice == "Walk speed" and MyCharacter.Movement > 0:
        MyCharacter.Movement -= 1
        MyCharacter.Money += 200
    if AOW != len(MyCharacter.Weapons) or AOA != len(MyCharacter.Armor) or WS != MyCharacter.Movement:
        Answere = raw_input("Do you want to sell more?(Yes/No)")
        if Answere == "Yes":
            Answere2 = raw_input("Shop or next level? ")
            if Answere2 == "Shop":
    elif not Sold:
        print("I didn't quite catch that")
    def Shopping():        
        choice = raw_input("Shop, Sell, or next level? ")
        if choice == "Shop":
        elif choice == "Sell":
        elif choice != "next level":
            print("Sorry I didn't catch that.")
def IsInt(s):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False
def Move_Enemy(Enemy):
    board[int(Enemy.y)][int(Enemy.x)] = "-"
    distancex = int(MyCharacter.x) - int(Enemy.x)
    if distancex < 0:
        distancex = distancex * -1
    distancey = int(MyCharacter.y) - int(Enemy.y)
    if distancey < 0:
        distancey = distancey * -1
    distance = distancex
    if distance < distancey:
        distance = distancey
    if distance <= Enemy.Movement:
        Enemy.y = MyCharacter.y
        Enemy.x = MyCharacter.x
        if int(MyCharacter.x) > int(Enemy.x):
            Enemy.x = Enemy.x + Enemy.Movement
        if int(MyCharacter.y) > int(Enemy.y):
            Enemy.y = Enemy.y + Enemy.Movement
        if int(MyCharacter.x) < int(Enemy.x):
            Enemy.x = Enemy.x - Enemy.Movement
        if int(MyCharacter.y) < int(Enemy.y):
            Enemy.y = Enemy.y - Enemy.Movement
def print_board(board):
    for row in board:
        print(" ".join(row))
for x in range(10):
    board.append(["-"] * 10)
def Level(Enemies, Money, XP1):
    for x in board:
        for y in x:
            y = "-"
    MyCharacter.x = 0
    MyCharacter.y = 0
    print("Your Level is " + str(MyCharacter.Level))
    for Enemy in Enemies:
        board[Enemy.y][Enemy.x] = str(Enemies[Enemy.Number].Number)
    board[int(MyCharacter.y)][int(MyCharacter.x)] = "X"
    EnemiesDestroyed = 0
    def attack(EnemiesDestroyed):
        NumberOfEnemies = len(Enemies)
        answere = raw_input("Would you like to attack?(Yes/No) ")
        if answere == "Yes":
            print("Choose your weapon. ")
            for Weapon in MyCharacter.Weapons:
            Weapon = raw_input("(Weapon name) ")
            print("Choose an enemy.")
            for Enemy in Enemies:
                if Enemy.Armor[len(Enemy.Armor) - 1]:
            Enemy = raw_input("(Name of enemy)" )
            if IsInt(Enemy) and int(Enemy) <= len(Enemies)-1:
                Enemy = Enemies[int(Enemy)]
                print("Sorry I didn't catcth that")
                return EnemiesDestroyed
            distancex = int(MyCharacter.x) - int(Enemy.x)
            if distancex < 0:
                distancex = distancex * -1
            distancey = int(MyCharacter.y) - int(Enemy.y)
            if distancey < 0:
                distancey = distancey * -1
            distance = distancex
            if distance < distancey:
                distance = distancey
            Number = 1
            for Thing in MyCharacter.Weapons:
                if Thing.Name == Weapon:
                    if Thing.Range >= distance and Thing.Ammo >= 1:                        
                        for Armor in Enemy.Armor:
                            if Armor.HP > 0:
                                ArmorUsing = Armor
                            print("That enemy is already dead.")
                            return EnemiesDestroyed
                        Damage = float(Thing.Damage) * float(random.randint(9, 11))/float(10) * (float(MyCharacter.Level)/float(10) + float(1))
                        ArmorUsing.HP = float(ArmorUsing.HP) - float(Damage)
                        print("You did " + str(Damage) + " damage.")
                        Thing.Ammo -= 1
                        if ArmorUsing.HP <= 0:
                            for Armor in Enemy.Armor:
                                if Armor.HP > 0:
                                    Armor.HP = Armor.HP + ArmorUsing.HP
                                    ArmorUsing.HP = 0
                                EnemiesDestroyed += 1
                                print("EnemiesDestroyed: " + str(EnemiesDestroyed))
                                if EnemiesDestroyed == NumberOfEnemies:
                                    return "Game Over"
                elif Number == len(MyCharacter.Weapons):
                    print("Sorry I didn't catch that.")
                Number += 1
        elif answere != "No":
            print("Sorry I didn't catch that")
        return EnemiesDestroyed
    def Inputs():
        board[int(MyCharacter.y)][int(MyCharacter.x)] = "-"
        x = raw_input("X: ")
        y = raw_input("Y: ")
        if IsInt(x) and IsInt(y):
            distancex = int(MyCharacter.x) - (int(x) - 1)
            print("Sorry I didn't quite catch that.")
        if distancex - 1 < 0:
            distancex = (distancex * -1)
        distancey = int(MyCharacter.y) - (int(y) - 1)
        if distancey - 1 < 0:
            distancey = distancey * -1
        distance = distancex
        if distance < distancey:
            distance = distancey
        if distance <= MyCharacter.Movement:
            MyCharacter.x = str(int(x) - 1)
            MyCharacter.y = str(int(y) - 1)
            print("Sorry that's to far away.")
    def AIAttack(Enemy):
        PosWeps = []
        WeaponToBeUsed = ""
        distancex = int(MyCharacter.x) - int(Enemy.x)
        if distancex < 0:
            distancex = distancex * -1
        distancey = int(MyCharacter.y) - int(Enemy.y)
        if distancey < 0:
            distancey = distancey * -1
        distance = distancex
        if distance < distancey:
            distance = distancey
        for Weapon in Enemy.Weapons:
            if Weapon.Range >= distance and Weapon.Ammo >= 1:
        HighestDamage = 0
        for Weapon in PosWeps:
            if Weapon.Damage > HighestDamage:
                WeaponToBeUsed = Weapon
                HighestDamage = Weapon.Damage
        if WeaponToBeUsed != "":
            for Armor in MyCharacter.Armor:
                if Armor.HP > 0:
                    WeaponToBeUsed.Ammo -= 1
                    ArmorUsing = Armor
                    ArmorUsing.HP = ArmorUsing.HP - WeaponToBeUsed.Damage * float(random.randint(9, 11))/10/(float(MyCharacter.Level)/10 + 1)
                    TotalHP = 0
                    for Armor in MyCharacter.Armor:
                        TotalHP += Armor.HP
                    print("My health: " + str(TotalHP))
    while True:
        for x in range(10):
            for y in range(10):
                board[y][x] = "-"
        if MyCharacter.Armor[len(MyCharacter.Armor) - 1].HP <= 0:
            print("You Loose.")
            MyCharacter.Money = 1000
            MyCharacter.CampaignLevel = 1
            MyCharacter.Armor = []
            MyCharacter.Weapons = []
            MyCharacter.Movement = 0
        attacking = attack(int(EnemiesDestroyed))
        if attacking == "Game Over":
            print("You win!")
            MyCharacter.XP += XP1
            if MyCharacter.XP >= 100 * (MyCharacter.Level + 1):
                MyCharacter.XP -= 100 * (MyCharacter.Level + 1)
                MyCharacter.Level += 1
            MyCharacter.Money += Money
            MyCharacter.CampaignLevel += 1
            EnemiesDestroyed = attacking
        for Enemy in Enemies:
            for Armor in Enemy.Armor:
                if Armor.HP > 0:
                    ArmorUsing = Armor
                    AI = AIAttack(Enemy)
                    board[int(Enemy.y)][int(Enemy.x)] = str(Enemies[int(Enemy.Number)].Number)
        if MyCharacter.Armor[len(MyCharacter.Armor) - 1].HP <= 0:
            print("You Loose.")
            MyCharacter.Money = 1000
            MyCharacter.CampaignLevel = 1
            MyCharacter.Armor = []
            MyCharacter.Weapons = []
            MyCharacter.Movement = 0
        board[int(MyCharacter.y)][int(MyCharacter.x)] = "X"
    MyCharacter.x = 0
    MyCharacter.y = 0
    for Armor in MyCharacter.Armor:
        if Armor.Name == "Tin":
            Armor.HP = 50
        elif Armor.Name == "Bronze":
            Armor.HP = 100
    def Shopping():        
        choice = raw_input("Shop, Sell, or next level? ")
        if choice == "Shop":
        elif choice == "Sell":
        elif choice != "next level":
            print("Sorry I didn't catch that.")
while True:
    if MyCharacter.CampaignLevel == 1:
        Level([Enemy([Weapon(0, 5, float('inf'), "Sword")], [Armor(50, "Tin")], 1, 9, 9, 0)], 100, 100)
    elif MyCharacter.CampaignLevel == 2:
        Level([Enemy([Weapon(0, 5, float('inf'), "Sword")], [Armor(50, "Tin")], 1, 9, 0, 0), Enemy([Weapon(0, 5, float('inf'), "Sword")], [Armor(50, "Tin")], 1, 0, 9, 1)], 300, 300)
    elif MyCharacter.CampaignLevel == 3:
        Level([Enemy([Weapon(0, 5, float('inf'), "Sword")], [Armor(50, "Tin")], 1, 9, 0, 0), Enemy([Weapon(0, 5, float('inf'), "Sword")], [Armor(50, "Tin")], 1, 0, 9, 1), Enemy([Weapon(0, 5, float('inf'), "Sword"), Weapon(3, 5, 10, "Gun")], [Armor(100, "Bronze")], 2, 9, 9, 2)], 500, 500)
    elif MyCharacter.CampaignLevel == 4:
        Level([Enemy([Weapon(0, 5, float('inf'), "Sword"), Weapon(3, 5, 10, "Gun")], [Armor(100, "Bronze"), Armor(100, "Bronze")], 2, 9, 9, 0)], 700, 700)
        print("YOU JUST WON THE GAME!!!!")

Re: Mega Mech - torreydale - 08-07-2015

Intriguing.  I'm a network engineer by profession and hope to teach myself python to increase my scripting ability.

Re: Mega Mech - austin.payne - 08-08-2015


Sent from my XT1042 using Tapatalk

Re: Mega Mech - technomancer - 08-09-2015

That is great ! I am starting to learn Phython so this gives me a good reason to keep going. Awesome.

Re: Mega Mech - austin.payne - 08-09-2015

I suggest that you take a look at code academy.

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