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bootstick - Printable Version

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bootstick - mirco67 - 04-06-2014


I use to test Live distros on USB stick. on the last distro I used, there was a small prog called Boot Stick ('bootstick' is the name of the pack). But it is not in the LL's repo. 'bootstick' is a fork of the Canonical's usb-imagewriter project. how can I install it on LL?

Thank you and sorry for my english!

Re: bootstick - Scott(0) - 04-06-2014

Hi Micro67. I'm not certain but I believe you're asking about making a bootable usb drive with Linux Lite?

Here's what's recommened from the Linux Lite manual:

Open the help manual:
Menu > Help Manual
Online >

Install Guide link (top of page) > see first few sections:

Writing the latest Linux Lite ISO to a CD on Windows
Writing the latest Linux Lite ISO to USB on Windows
Writing the latest Linux Lite ISO to USB using a terminal in Linux and OSX
No USB Boot option in the Bios? Use PloP

Re: bootstick - mirco67 - 04-06-2014

I've already put LL on HDD.  Smile I don't need a LL Live USB anymore. I was trying to say that I like to test, time to time, some other live distros and I am doing that using a USB stick. I download the ISO image of the distro I want and I put that ISO image on the USB stick. Than I'm booting from the stick and see if that distro play well and is nice. LL play well and is very nice, for instance.  Wink In my opinion.

In the last distro I used, I did the job with a small program which was preinstalled as a system tool. It's name was 'bootstick'. I searched the same tool in the LL repo, with Synaptic, and than with Lite Software Center, but I found nothing. Than I asked you, and in the same time I've continue to search and I found out that there is an Ubuntu equivalent for 'bootstick', called ImageWriter. It's the same program, in fact, because 'bootstick' is a fork of ImageWriter. But ImageWriter has a bug and it can't be used. So, I'm asking now how can I install 'bootstick", because ImageWriter do nothing. By the way, UNetbootin is useless too.

How can I put an ISO image of a distro, just any distro, on an USB stick and make the stick bootable using LL?

Re: bootstick - Scott(0) - 04-06-2014

I personally use UNetbootin in Linux Lite 1.0.8 (installed via Synaptic) and it works well. Not 100% of the time, maybe 80-90%.

After installing UNetbootin there was a bug where it would keep asking for the administrator password in a loop. It wouldn't accept any value. Here's the fix I used:

Open a terminal
Type: gksu-properties
When the little GUI pops up make sure "sudo" is selected, not "su," as the authentication code.

On the Windows side I used these utilities in the past:
Your Universal Multiboot Installer (YUMI)
Universal USB Installer
The two above come from Pen Drive Linux This site has lots of great information.

Good Luck,

Re: bootstick - mirco67 - 04-07-2014

Thank you very, very much, Scot! I will keep on trying, and, if I'll find a solution I'll put it here.

Best wishes!
mirco (not Micro  Smile )

Re: bootstick - N4RPS - 04-08-2014


Welcome to Linux Lite. UIAM, Unetbootin onlys allows the creation of one bootable ISO per stick. In Windows, I usually use YUMI for multiboots or LinuxLive for single ones, but found this multiboot creator for Linux:

Next time I need to create a multiboot, I'll try doing this in LL, and get back to you...


Re: bootstick - mirco67 - 04-12-2014

Thank you very much, N4RPS. I'll give a try to that linux-magazine solution.

By the time, I succeeded making singleboot USB stick using 'dd' command.

[tt]sudo dd if=/media/path_to/debian-live-7.4-i386-xfce-desktop.iso of=/dev/path_to_USB_stick bs=1M[/tt]

It works just fine.

I noticed that LL use usb-imagewriter-0.1.3, but the last version is 0.1.99. I know, for instance, that Point Linux ( use the last one and is working fine. I thinh I can compile 'usb-imagewriter-0.1.99' from source on LL too, but I'm just too lazy to do it for now...  :Smile

I'm glad I did the job with 'dd' and that's OK. Today.  Smile

Best wishes!

Re: bootstick - N4RPS - 04-12-2014


You're welcome.

Thank YOU, for your desire to makee a positive contribution to the LL distribution. In MY eyes, that's a BIG part of what it's all about,and could very well help others later.
