Introducing LiteCloud - Valtam - 02-03-2015
As part of an effort to look for ways to fund the project, I'd like to gauge the communities reaction to whether or not they would sponsor the project this way.
LiteCloud is built off Owncloud and is available on all mobile and pc platforms, Android, iOS, Windows, Mac and Linux. LiteCLoud is extremely flexible, you can edit documents from inside the browser, use it together with Dropbox or Google Drive, as well as many other useful features. There would be a limited number of accounts so as to ensure top performance for everyone. Please mention what type of plan you would be interested in.
Feature video:
Suggested plans (open to alternative suggestions):
Web browser screenshots:
Re: Introducing LiteCloud - Scott(0) - 02-03-2015
Hi Jerry,
What a creative idea. I'm not sure I need it but would be willing to give it a try. I'm interested in starting at the budget level. Happy to send the money, let me know. ~Scott
Re: Introducing LiteCloud - Wirezfree - 02-03-2015
Hi Jerry,
I maybe interested, I have a SugarSync Account that I used to use with Windows.
Which was great, just right click any file/folder, add to Sugarsync for it to Synch to the Cloud.
Then Files?Folders auto sync'd as soon as you did a save or change.
I need to see if the Linux OwnCloud app does the same.?
Re: Introducing LiteCloud - Valtam - 02-03-2015
(02-03-2015, 06:22 PM)Wirezfree link Wrote: Hi Jerry,
I maybe interested, I have a SugarSync Account that I used to use with Windows.
Which was great, just right click any file/folder, add to Sugarsync for it to Synch to the Cloud.
Then Files?Folders auto sync'd as soon as you did a save or change.
I need to see if the Linux OwnCloud app does the same.?
Yup, I can provide a simple to use script, credit -
First do: sudo apt-get install xclip
Create a new file, call it litecloudupload, place the following inside:
Code: #!/bin/bash
# Public Link Creator Version 1.0
# (c) Copyright 2013 Bjoern Schiessle <[email protected]>
# Modified for LiteCloud by Jerry Bezencon
# This program is free software released under the MIT License, for more details
# see LICENSE.txt or
# Description:
# The program was developed for the Thunar file manager but it should also
# works with other file managers which provide similar possibilities to
# integrate shell scripts. For example I got some feedback that it also works
# nicely with Dolphin and Nautilus.
# This script can be integrated in the Thunar file manager as a "custom
# action". If you configure the "custom action" in Thunar, make sure to pass
# the paths of all selected files to the program using the "%F" parameter. The
# program expects the absolute path to the files. Once the custom action is
# configured you can execute the program from the right-click context menu. The
# program works for all file types and also for directories. Once the script
# gets executed it will first upload the files/directories to your ownCloud and
# afterwards it will generate a public link to access them. The link will be
# copied directly to your clipboard and a dialog will inform you about the
# URL. If you uploaded a single file or directory than the file/directory will
# be created directly below your "uploadTarget" as defined below. If you
# selected multiple files, than the programm will group them together in a
# directory named with the current timestamp.
# Before you can use the program you need to adjust at least the "baseURL",
# "username" and "password" config parameter below. If you keep "username"
# and/or "password" empty a dialog will show up and ask for the credentials.
# Requirements:
# - curl
# - xclip
# - zenity
# config parameters
# if you use a self signed ssl cert you can specify here the path to your root
# certificate
# constants
url=$(echo "$webdavURL/$uploadTarget" | sed 's/\ /%20/g')
if [ -n "$cacert" ]; then
curlOpts="$curlOpts --cacert $cacert"
# check if base dir for file upload exists
baseDirExists() {
if curl -u "$username":"$password" --output /dev/null $curlOpts --silent --head --fail "$url"; then
return $FALSE
return $TRUE
checkCredentials() {
curl -u "$username":"$password" $curlOpts --output /dev/null --silent --fail "$webdavURL"
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
zenity --error --title="LiteCloud Upload" --text="Username or password does not match"
exit 1
# upload files, first parameter will be the upload target from the second
# parameter on we have the list of files
uploadFiles() {
for filePath in "${@:2}"
basename=$(basename "$filePath")
basename=$(echo "$basename" | sed 's/\ /%20/g')
if [ -f "$filePath" ]; then
curl -u "$username":"$password" $curlOpts -T "$filePath" "$1/$basename"
echo $(($count*100/$numOfFiles)) >&3;
curl -u "$username":"$password" $curlOpts -X MKCOL "$1/$basename"
uploadDirectory "$1/$basename" "$filePath"
return $TRUE
# upload a directory recursively, first parameter contains the upload target
# and the second parameter contains the path to the local directory
uploadDirectory() {
while read filePath; do
filePath=$(basename "$filePath")
urlencodedFilePath=$(echo "$filePath" | sed 's/\ /%20/g')
if [ -d "$2/$filePath" ]; then
curl -u "$username":"$password" $curlOpts -X MKCOL "$1/$urlencodedFilePath"
uploadDirectory "$1/$urlencodedFilePath" "$2/$filePath"
curl -u "$username":"$password" $curlOpts -T "$2/$filePath" "$1/$urlencodedFilePath"
echo $(($count*100/$numOfFiles)) >&3;
done < <(find "$2" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1)
# create public link share, first parameter contains the path of the shared file/folder
createShare() {
result=$(curl -u "$username":"$password" $curlOpts --silent "$shareAPI" -d path="$1" -d shareType=3)
shareLink=$(echo $result | sed -e 's/.*<url>\(.*\)<\/url>.*/\1/')
shareLink=$(echo $shareLink | sed 's/\&/\&/')
echo $shareLink | xclip -sel clip
return $TRUE
# if no username/password is set in the script we ask the user to enter them
askForPassword() {
ENTRY=`zenity --password --username --title="LiteCloud Upload"`
case $? in
username=`echo $ENTRY | cut -d'|' -f1`
password=`echo $ENTRY | cut -d'|' -f2`
exit 0;;
exit 1;;
if [ -z $password ] || [ -z $username ]; then
exec 3> >(zenity --progress --title="LiteCloud Upload" --text="Uploading files and generating a public link" --auto-kill --auto-close --percentage=0 --width=400)
numOfFiles=$(find "$@" -type f | wc -l)
if baseDirExists; then
curl -u "$username":"$password" $curlOpts -X MKCOL "$url"
# if we have more than one file selected we create a folder with
# the current timestamp
if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
share=$(date +%s)
curl -u "$username":"$password" $curlOpts -X MKCOL "$url"
elif [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
share=$(basename "$1")
zenity --error --title="LiteCloud Upload" --text="no file was selected!"
exit 1
if uploadFiles $url "$@"; then
createShare "/$uploadTarget/$share"
output="File uploaded successfully. Following public link was generated and copied to your clipboard: $shareLink"
zenity --info --title="LiteCloud Upload" --text="$output" --no-markup
Explanations of the config parameters:
# config parameters
baseURL="http://hostsiteaddress/owncloud" // website address
uploadTarget="" // leave as is and all files will go into your main LiteCloud directory, or you can specify a folder like 'photos'
username="bob" // leave the username and password blank to be prompted for it each time
password="bobspassword" // see username description
Right click on it, make it executable.
Then create a custom Thunar action with the following:
Point to your script eg. /home/bob/scripts/litecloudupload %F, choose an icon you like:
(For added Security, I'd recommend you put this script in /root on your pc, and set the Command to: gksudo /root/litecloudupload %F)
Tick all boxes on Appearance conditions:
Client in the tray on Linux Lite:
Re: Introducing LiteCloud - Wirezfree - 02-03-2015
Hi Jerry,
Can I clarify a few things.?
Let's assume I do this on the PC I'm on now, my main pc, call it PC-A
I then right click on my "Documents" folder and select "lightcloud upload"
Everything currently in "Documents" get's uploaded.
I now open Libre Office, create a new document, and save it in /Documents/Writer
Will this file now automatically get uploaded to my owncloud.?
Now, I want to do the install on another of my PC's, PC-B
What would I need to do for it to recognise that "Documents" need to be kept in sync.
Do I just repeat what I have done on PC-A on my PC-B..??
With Sugarsync it was very easy, do first install, select some folders/files to sync, then on
subsequent pc's install Sugarsync, and any folder/files already defined would auto-sync.
Then going forward,
Any files added/changed on any PC would replicate up to Sugarsync cloud,
and then out to any PC(s) currently running Sugarsync.
If it works this way, I would sign up now, and start with the 10GB Plan.
Re: Introducing LiteCloud - Valtam - 02-03-2015
(02-03-2015, 11:02 PM)Wirezfree link Wrote: Hi Jerry,
Can I clarify a few things.?
Let's assume I do this on the PC I'm on now, my main pc, call it PC-A
I then right click on my "Documents" folder and select "lightcloud upload"
Everything currently in "Documents" get's uploaded.
Yes, the folder Documents will get uploaded too.
(02-03-2015, 11:02 PM)Wirezfree link Wrote: I now open Libre Office, create a new document, and save it in /Documents/Writer
Will this file now automatically get uploaded to my owncloud.?
It will if you have it selected as a sync folder.
(02-03-2015, 11:02 PM)Wirezfree link Wrote: Now, I want to do the install on another of my PC's, PC-B
What would I need to do for it to recognise that "Documents" need to be kept in sync.
Do I just repeat what I have done on PC-A on my PC-B..??
Yes, repeat what you did on PC-A and it will sync.
(02-03-2015, 11:02 PM)Wirezfree link Wrote: With Sugarsync it was very easy, do first install, select some folders/files to sync, then on
subsequent pc's install Sugarsync, and any folder/files already defined would auto-sync.
Then going forward,
Any files added/changed on any PC would replicate up to Sugarsync cloud,
and then out to any PC(s) currently running Sugarsync.
If it works this way, I would sign up now, and start with the 10GB Plan.
Nice to hear, if we can get enough to cover at least the costs, I'll launch LiteCloud
Re: Introducing LiteCloud - Wirezfree - 02-03-2015
Great, keep us posted...
Re: Introducing LiteCloud - N4RPS - 02-05-2015
Jerry, I wish you every success in this endeavour.
I have little to no use for cloud storage myself, but if I ever did, I'd feel more comfortable about using a cloud that helped to fund this OS - FWTW.
With tax refund season upon us once again, perhaps folks might consider supporting LL with some of the proceeds? I'm not getting one this year, but I think I can hit Paypal nonetheless...
Re: Introducing LiteCloud - preecher - 02-27-2015
Nice idea Val, I would be more than happy to put support into anything that will support the LinuxLite project.
Re: Introducing LiteCloud - Valtam - 02-27-2015
I appreciate your support, thank you preecher.