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Hello from East Otago, NZ! - Printable Version

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Hello from East Otago, NZ! - ceramics - 01-27-2015

Really enjoying Linux Lite. I have been using it for about a year now and first installed it, because I was looking for an easy system that would work well for an elderly friend. I liked Linux Lite so much that I kept it and I have also installed it on 4 friends computers, and all of them have had a very good experience with it.

I have been a Linux user for more than 10 years, and my first really successful system was Debian. I moved to Linux not long after Windows XP arrived and I found it was too much of a resource hog on my Windows ME vintage computer that I bought in Jan 2001. Thanks to various Linux systems that computer was in regular use until only a couple of months ago, but I have finally pensioned it off because the Power button is now so worn that it is difficult to start! My current computer is about 6 years old and I was using Archlinux as my primary system until falling in love with Linux Lite!

I find Virtual Box an invaluable tool. When helping friends with sick Windows computers I would run Windows XP (my legit paid for copy!) in Virtual Box to help me think of solutions. I run the 64 bit version of Linux Lite, but I also run a 32 bit install of Archlinux in Virtual Box so that I can use a "problem" glaze software programme that needs some 32 bit libraries that Ubuntu don't have any more.

I also use Wine for Il2 Sturmovik 1946 (a wonderful flight sim), and have wine happily running a 32 bit environment for this game. Very clever of wine to be able to do that on a 64 bit system I think!

I am really impressed with the usability of Linux Lite. I like it that Libreoffice, Wine, and Gimp are kept up to date. Xfce is also really nicely presented by this distro. Some wrongly claim that this is simply a rebranded xubuntu, but Linux Lite works so much better for me, and I like the default selection of applications better too.

Sincere Thanks to all of you who make Linux Lite possible.

Re: Hello from East Otago, NZ! - bitsnpcs - 01-27-2015

Hello ceramics,

Welcome to the forum  Smile

Re: Hello from East Otago, NZ! - altman - 01-27-2015

Welcome aboard mate !

Thanx for installing LL on your buddies computers .

Re: Hello from East Otago, NZ! - rokytnji - 01-27-2015

Howdy and Welcome.

Re: Hello from East Otago, NZ! - gold_finger - 01-28-2015

Welcome to forum, ceramics.  Glad to hear you like LL.

Re: Hello from East Otago, NZ! - Valtam - 01-28-2015

Welcome ceramics, or should I say Kia Ora Smile

Re: Hello from East Otago, NZ! - N4RPS - 01-28-2015


Welcome to Linux Lite. I'm happy that you use it, like it, and, most importantly, share it.

I'm working on a Windows 8.1 computer right now that I'm trying to get the people who own it to switch over to Linux Lite. They've spent a bill ($100) for me to clean it twice in the last 6 months. Sooner or later, they'll get the message...


Re: Hello from East Otago, NZ! - ceramics - 01-29-2015

Many Thanks for the kind welcome messages, all much appreciated! I was amused to read that N4RPS was working on a Windows 8.1 computer.., I had to help someone with a Windows 7 computer recently that had almost ground to a halt (it had so much stuff running on it that it was using 1100 MB of RAM just to get a desktop!). Needless to say, Linux Lite is a Refreshing alternative!