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[SOLVED] Network 2 pc's with lan cable? - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] Network 2 pc's with lan cable? - mannock - 12-22-2014

I have 2 pc's in the same room, one linuxlite,  one windows 8 and they network ok using usb dongles through my internet hub. But this is painfully slow for big file transfers pc to pc,  it takes all day to transfer several gigs at less than 2mb second.  So I linked the two machines with a network cable,  had no crossover so put a netgear gs605 switch in the middle.  They will not work through this connection and I have set both pc's to set up ip's automatically.  I'm now wondering if there is a setup procedure for this type of connection,  (ad hoc isn't it?)  Is it best to convert the lan cable to crossover to simplify things or should it work as it is now. When I look at my windows 8 adaptor status it says it is sending data but not receiving any. Not sure how to do the same on linuxlite.  When I ask windows 8 to diagnose it's network connection it says
"Ethernet doesn't have a valid ip configuration"  But when I look at the settings for ip4 it is on auto on both machines.  And if I set it to manual, after I've entered and what do I put in the gateway fields?  Surely a direct connection would not need a gateway like it does with the internet hub connection. I will not be using the lan connection for internet as both machines work ok wirelessly.  phew

Re: network 2 pc's with lan cable? - Wirezfree - 12-22-2014


You can use a cable, but if you have home router/hub it makes it easier.
If you just use a cable you need a crossover cable.

1. Having them set to Auto Address only works if you connect to a Router,
    the addresses are given out by the routers DHCP Server.

2. If you have them connected directly, You need to set the addresses manually
    Open a terminal (ctrl alt t)
You should see something like em1 or eth0 with a line like:
inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
The last 3 digits in Red Addressees need to be different on both PC like one is .100 and the other say .101

The Gateway field is normally the address of your Home Router/Hub something like

Given you have just 2 PC's are already connected to a hub/router the easiest way to transfer files is to set-up a share on each PC.
Then you can copy files from 1 PC to the other via their shares.

For setting up a share on the LL PC go to Menu > Help Manual and Look in Network Section "Network Shares"

On Windows 8 I believe you can just right click on a folder and Select Share Options.


Re: network 2 pc's with lan cable? - mannock - 12-23-2014

Thanks Dave,  did that and it's working fine.  So much quicker for big files now,  like using drives on the same pc.  And that's with one of the switch lights showing orange which I'm told means that one of the pc's is only 100 network instead of the 1000.  Cheers,  mannock

Re: network 2 pc's with lan cable? - Wirezfree - 12-23-2014

Hi mannock..

Good news...
Yes, Orange normally indicates 10/100MB
It maybe your LAN cable.?
You really need a CAT6 cable for GigaBit connection


Re: network 2 pc's with lan cable? - N4RPS - 01-02-2015


You have summed all this up quite well! You are correct, no DHCP server on a switch, which, most likely, also means no webpage-like configuration page, either.

Depending upon the age of the PCs in question, both PCs may not have gigabit adapters. If they ARE both gigabit, then yes, it could be a cable issue on the one that's throttled at 100...
